April 25, 2024
CEA (Greenouses and Vertical Farms)
Modeling the potential impact of implementing Terra Vera in greenhouse and indoor vertical farm operations helps uncover the impact of revenue and expense changes on the bottom line.
April 12, 2024
Optimizing Profitability in CEA
CEA operations with high value crops are the quintessential example of a business with high fixed costs and high operating leverage. As an example, we analyzed a vertically integrated cannabis operation and found that 50% of the business’ expenses are fixed.
December 13, 2022
Clone Nutrient Treatment Studies During Root Propagation on Various Strains of Cannabis sativa
Here the authors present findings from their study involving six different nutrient treatments applied during the cloning cycle for approximately 500 plants. This paper focuses on the observed benefits in this study involving the use of an amino acid and salt solution using food-grade ELMNTs.